
2023 Activities:

Hello Happy Campers 😊

Hope everyone is having a great winter wherever you have spent the time!! Start of season is getting closer. I'm pretty positive some of you have the official countdown clock right down to the minute. 😉

Official opening date will be Friday April 28th. 🥳🥳

Here is the list of planned activities for the 2023 CAMPING SEASON!!!

(Weather permitting with the exception of Activity Nights)

That is the list of the planned weekends. We will also be adding a few other activities to go along the camping season. Family game night PG versions, Adult game nights, Paint n Sip nights, possibly some yoga for those who'd like to join me for some stretching, and of course nights to get your dance on. BINGO will be on Saturdays. We will shoot for 11am at the beginning of season when it's a bit warmer. 😉 Pot Lucks will also be scattered throughout the camping season.

Can't wait to start the 2023 season with everyone!!!!
-❤️ The Kelley's

A detailed activity sheet can be mailed on request

Distance to cities

Things to do

What is special with us

Looking for a place to unwind? Our 10acrescampground is the perfect place to create memories.